Monday, January 11, 2010

Yet more awesomeness...

I told my coach tonight. He was I knew he would be...and he was pretty much himself...which I knew he would be. I sang through a couple of arias and, with his help, figured out what to sing on Sunday. I still need to work on them a bit, but it's good having a plan for that too! He even seemed interested in coming to see the I'm going to send him a postcard for it!

I'm meeting with the 30 y.o (Sarah) tomorrow for dinner. I may try to write down questions to ask her beforehand.

My sister sent me a couple of books that look interesting so far. I was trying to stay away from the books but these are less 'Oh, poor you! You can be strong' and more 'Ok. You want this? Let's show you how!'. One is called 'Crazy Sexy Cancer' written by a 30-something woman who is dealing with cancer (not breast though) and the other is 'Beauty Pearls for Chemo Girls' which looks to have some really great beauty tips.

And I am not getting rid of my poor, sick kitty. So there!

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