Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We're off!


I got to the hospital, as requested, before 8am and got taken down to the Radiation place and got prepped for the surgery. I HATED having the IV put in my freaking hurt! Thus the port! I was sort of awake during it -- I could hear them talking, but couldn't feel anything. However, when I woke up and was wheeled up to Oncology, ow! OW! I ordered lunch of a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich and chicken soup and took two tylenol which helped for a bit. I studied my score for a while and knitted, but when they brought out the actual chemo drugs, it was all about the popsicles. Mango popsicle #1 was with the Adriamycin, and popsicle #2 was with the Cytoxin. I'm hoping that it helps!

We were finally out of there before 3pm and we came home where my mom napped and I knitted. Then we were off to Whole Foods for dinner before rehearsal. As I was driving to dinner I started to That's sort of how I've felt all night. Off.

My throat is a little scratchy (could be from the cold, the cigarette smoke, reflux, or the chemo), my stomach is a little touchy (had chicken and rice soup and brown rice for dinner as well as several pieces of dinner) and I just feel under-energized. It's been a very stressful day so a lot of it could be that. So who knows?

I'm going to take the anti-nausea meds they told me to's only for a couple of days, so I'll deal. Turns out that they need me to come in and do the hair cut and get the wig on I shall do it on Friday!

I need to go back tomorrow to get a shot to boost my immune system. Today, I got the shot to put me into menopause for 3 months so that my ovaries get some protection from all of this.

So, that was today. I'm not too sure what tomorrow will bring...I'm tired, but I'm nervous about going to bed because I don't want to feel icky during the night. I guess that's what the meds are for.


  1. Hey! I'm thinking of you and have been for the last 30+ hours! I'm glad you made it through your first day. How did rehearsal go? I hope you made it through the night okay and are just relaxing and plugging along. (Funny that your mom napped but not you!)

    So I guess you won't be in on Friday since you're gonna get your haircut? Best of luck... hope it all goes well. Let me know if you need anything!

  2. I am glad you made it through day 1! 7 More left :) I will count down for you. I love you and I am thinking of you always!
