Friday, January 1, 2010

For those of you who don't know about 'Duffy'.

Apparently when I was really little, I used to call myself 'Duffy' as I guess I couldn't say 'Stephie'. My mom always hoped that the nickname would stick, but it never did.

As I calm down a bit and let things settle, I realize that the greatest fears I have, aside from the vanity aspect, is the fatigue/nausea that wouldn't allow me to do what I want. Now, on the positive, I usually don't get fatigued normally and I'm sure that my schedule can be worked so that I can have the energy I need for what I choose to do. I also don't get nauseous. Heck, I ride loop-de-loop rollercoasters and don't get nauseous (although I think I came close on the Manta at Sea World. I think that was mostly because of the pressure of the harnesses though and going head-first through that thing). I read in the car, I knit in the car, I love twirly again, maybe it'll be ok.

It all comes down to everything not letting me live my life. I know that the doctors are giving me 'worst case scenarios' and that it doesn't apply to everyone.

Also...gaah, each treatment is going to take about 4 hours to administer? Holy boredom, Batman! I guess they're prepared for people to watch movies and stuff there...I do still have my 'Robin of Sherwood' series to get through as well as the entire 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'. Since I'm going to have a port, my hands should be free for knitting. I'll also have music to learn.

The 'eating well' part may be a little hard, as will the exercising part, but it's just something I'm going to have to do.

Ok...holy crap, the Village Cafe in Richmond, VA is being featured on 'Drive-ins, Diners, and Dives'. I wonder if I've been there? My mom and I did go to Kelly's Diner here in Somerville that was also featured on the show, but we were unimpressed. Sound Bytes was much better!

As far as wigs are concerned, I think I'm going to want to go longer rather than shorter. I will have maybe 7 months without much hair...and then much longer for the hair to grow back from being short. If possible, I think I want longer than shoulder length since if it's that when it's straight, it'll be much shorter when I curl it. I'll have plenty of time to get used to short hair again and if it's like last time, I'll want the length back again.

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