Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Maybe I've got this skewed vision of people...

...but apparently I'm really surprised at how people have been reacting when I tell them. I've had fears that I will be dismissed from shows or shown a great deal of pity...and everyone has been wonderful!

I will not allow myself go get too fatigued or nauseous to do what I love.

I will do what I must in order to feed my mental and thusly physical health.

I will start exercising as it is supposed to help reduce any side effects.

If I end up living off of saltines and ginger ale for the next month so that I can still do what I want to do, so be it.

Hear that, Chemo? You're not going to kick my ass!


  1. Yeah, when push comes to shove, on the individual scale, people do not actually suck.

  2. It's so great to know that people are there to uplift you and support you!

  3. I've been very pleasantly surprised at how I seem to, for the most part, surround myself with really awesome people. So, thank you all!

  4. Well as Melissa Etheridge puts it nicely in a song I like, When you give love that is what you recieve!... I am really glad they have been supportive to.
