Thursday, January 21, 2010

The day after chemo...

I woke up at about 9:45am...rather early for one who is happy to sleep until noon...or sometimes later if I'm really tired. Mom and I ran around a bit, running errands and such and we looked at a sectional sofa as well as a new futon mattress. After much deliberation and measuring, I bought the new futon mattress. It still gives me time to decide if I want to get the sectional. The price is really good.

I was pretty good all day with the nausea, but in the last half hour or so, I started feeling a little queasy. I ate some saltines so I could take the pill so we'll see if that helps. Maybe I ate something I shouldn't have...or maybe things are catching up. I sort of hope it's the former.

Tomorrow is the haircut and well as the delivery of the futon mattress. I'm going to try and get my parking permit as well and go measure a really lovely Baker's cabinet that I saw at a consignment shop...assuming I feel up to it. I wonder if part of the problem is that I got the shot of Nulastin (sp?) to keep my immune system up, but it's made my knees hurt.

So let's hope that this pill works and I'll be fine for my errands and such tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the futon, and maybe even that cabinet! Nothing like new furniture to lift the spirits and the back.

    Here's hoping that pill works wonders!
