Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crisis and need to Kick Someone's Ass averted.

A port will be put in -- granted, it means starting everything 2 hours later, but they said I'd be out of there by 4:30pm. It just means that there will be less of an opportunity to rest between the treatment and rehearsal. Oh well. I'll sleep while I'm being chemo-ed then or something. The doctor is also being asked about the Lupron shot...which I said I could ONLY do next week. Basta fini.

Update: There was an opening and things will proceed, as originally planned, starting at 9am. Nnnnggggh!

The Theatrical wig has arrived! I didn't take it out of its packaging as I don't have any place to put it, but it feels lovely (as it's half human-hair!) and has nice curls. The color is a little lighter than the color at my roots, but it seems to match fairly well with the bottom half of my hair so I think it's going to be just fine. When I get home, I'll put it on and take a picture.

We met the guys at rehearsal last night and I got to hug and be held by the baritone. It really felt nice to be hugging and to be held by a guy who is not a member of my family. I know it was just 'theatre hugging' but it still felt really good. I need more of that. Kind of sucks to be single right now, but oh well. I'll get my kicks with the stage-hugs, I guess.

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