Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Even my coach noticed...

...that I had lost weight. It doesn't sound like much, but I guess on someone who is small-framed and 5'2" 3-5 lbs makes a big difference. I've noticed it my clothes most definitely as nothing fits well but apparently my coach also noticed last night. Not only was the weight off of my body, but apparently there was some weight off of my voice as well. I don't quite know how I feel about that.

I brought in an aria from an upcoming audition...an aria that I hadn't really worked on since Grad school. We worked on it a bit, mostly correcting a couple of notes that were learned wrong and focusing on some stylistic things, but he did say to me something along the lines of, 'I'm impressed that your voice is moving so fast in this...it's lighter because you're lighter' and 'Don't expect this lighter coloratura to last once you gain your weight back'. I don't think that he was implying that I was heavy before in the least (I was still a size 4. I don't think in any world that is considered 'heavy') but I'm really surprised that those few pounds made such a difference vocally.

He did say that I was singing very well and with all that's been going on with my health and energy, the fact that I AM still singing well attests to the fact that I 'really know how to sing'. Finally...although I wished I knew this a few years earlier when I was of the age to be doing some of these programs! Oh well...there's a reason, I'm sure. Hearing from him that he thinks that I 'really know how to sing' does mean a lot, actually. I told him that I felt that doing Cosi was great for me vocally because I really had to figure out my instrument and use it to its fullest. It was also great for my morale!

It's going to be interesting to see what happens over the next few months once things start getting back to 'normal' post-chemo. I wonder how long it'll take for me to gain that weight back? If I keep eating like I do now, it might not be long.

On another side-effects note, the pain is almost gone. I just have the occasional 'twinges' here and there. I think I'm also feeling some of the neuropathy in my fingers and toes that is another typical side effect. My fingers and toes feel a little tingly (which was how they described it) which is a rather odd feeling. Hopefully that will go away soon as well.


  1. I don't think that lightness in the voice and weight loss always go hand in hand. Callas definitely had more agility in the high range when she was heavier, and singers like Jane Eaglen (who could eat you wrapped in a tortilla as a breakfast burrito) have an amazing amount of "float" in the voice. So keep doing what you're doing vocally!

  2. I agree keep it up! Your doing great and I hope that the side effects go away soon! I love you!

  3. You are truly amazing!!! You can sing for me any day!!!
