Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Houston...we have peach fuzz!

There is definitely 'peach fuzz' on my head now. I can even see it sticking up a little from my scalp if I look close enough. Huzzah! I also have '5 o'clock' shadow on my eyebrows, showing just how much eyebrow I actually lost! I am also, if I look closely, seeing the beginnings of more eyelashes, so yay! There is hope!

I took my wig to the salon on Saturday and they put a gloss on it to refresh the color and then washed it (and showed me how they washed it to keep the curl in). I was missing only one step!! Both Pat and Ed (who was hanging out with me) said that they could see that my hair was starting to come back in. It's like Sarah said, I guess, that it's almost like it's growing in overnight!

Things are going well so far...on Friday, I will be half-way done with Radiation (mostly. Or maybe it's Monday?). Energy-wise, I do feel much more myself and I seem to be doing ok on the vocal stamina front. Now, if I can just clean my apartment (I worked on it some last night) and go to bed at a decent hour, things should be much better!