Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yesterday's saga...

So, I woke up and Jack, who was curled up on me, started meowing very insistently at me before he got off of the bed. I noticed that he was moving a little slower than he usually does and when he rolled over on his side, he seemed uncomfortable. So, amazingly enough, I stuffed him into the cat carrier and trekked off to the vet, hoping that it was just a UTI or something like that.

He pee'd in the carrier and was examined by the vet who said that yes, he had crystals in his bladder. He also may have something going on with his eyes, but it probably wasn't related. I took him back home with medicine, special food, and about a cup and a half of plastic pellet 'litter' which I was to try to get him to pee in so I could get a sample with a syringe. Thing is, Jack didn't want to use that litter! I came home from work...no pee. I came home from gaming...no pee. This morning...no pee.

So, I called the vet again and they suggested bringing him in so they can get a sample by using a fine needle. So I go to get him into the carrier...he is not having it, almost takes off my face and goes to hide. Knowing that I won't be able to get him out of his hiding spot, I call the vet again and they suggest trying this evening. Now, I have a feeling that Jack just hates the plastic litter and is not using the box out of spite, so I ask if I can put his normal litter back in the box. They say it's up to me. I do...and the moment the top is on the box, Jack comes streaking out of his hiding spot under my bed and into the litter box...and pees!


So the plan is to try and catch him tonight and bring him in to see if they can get a sample. Little brat. I KNEW he was just waiting! At least he's not blocked though.

Not what I need right now! At least when I got home, last night, and this morning, he was acting like his usual self...aside from not wanting to get in the carrier and not using the litter box.


  1. I can just see the whole scenario, frustrating, but hillarious at the same time! LOL!

  2. What is the cause of Jack's woes? Any idea?

  3. Crystals in his bladder. It happens with male cats if their diet isn't acidic enough I guess.

  4. we can work on it this weekend...
