Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have no words...

I went to sing a concert last night with many people who had not seen the short hair yet. One of whom was the pianist whom I have known for a few years now. I knew that he was socially awkward but this just kind of had me flabbergasted.

He came up to me and said 'I hope that your haircut is an homage to the weather and not a change in your orientation.'

I'm sorry, what??

I think I stared at him in disbelief for a moment before I simply said, 'My orientation has not changed.'

Really? I mean, REALLY??? I should have said 'Actually, it's an homage to cancer, you jackass'.

If he says something to me about it again, I will most likely let him have it.

I cannot believe anyone would be so rude! Not only is it an awful thing to say, implying that it doesn't look nice, but my orientation is none of his business!

I must have gotten half a dozen compliments on my hair when I was in Richmond this past weekend -- from people I didn't even know! And then this schmuck comes around and tells me that I'm looking like some stereotype of a lesbian as if that's a bad thing.

What a complete and utter jerk.


  1. Send him an email. "I wanted to follow up on your strange question/assumption last night. My current hairstyle is the result of my recent bout with cancer--which, thankfully, is now gone."

  2. p.s. An afterthought: his comment is rooted in a serious sense of male privilege, and considering that the concert is essentially his workplace and yours, his saying that to you legally constitutes sexual harassment. Who you are attracted to is none of his business. I would report it to the company director.
