Friday, March 12, 2010

So, I never want to do this again.

My fever didn't really go down too much today so at 2:30pm I took myself to the Emergency Room. I was apparently dehydrated and had a temp of 101.4 when I got there so over the course of about three and a half hours, they did a lot of blood tests, stuck me in a room, gave me a ton of saline, had me pee in a cup...and then sent me home with antibiotics.

Apparently my white blood cell count was really high, which was good...but also apparently indicated that my body was fighting something off. They thought that it was either an infection (my sinuses were hating me) or some thing that affects the pleura, which would make sense as I've pretty much been coughing non-stop since I started chemo. The doctor there explained that it was a common side effect of the Adriamycin...hello, why didn't my oncologist tell me this too??

So I'm now at home...just took my temp (98.6) and will be taking it easy this weekend. Hopefully with the antibiotics, this will go through me quickly and I'll be well again soon.

But I hope I never have to go to the ER again.