Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We have a schedule!!!

After much finagling and much angsting on my part, I have devised a schedule that has been approved by the oncologist!

Start Date: January 20th (Mom will come up for this)
Appt 2: February 3rd (Angeliki and maybe Rebecca? Beth and Anya will be coming by on the 4th)
EDIT! Appt 3:February 22th (Tracie will be here)
Appt 4:March 8th (Liddy will be here)

Start times are between 9 and 9:30am. Guess I'm not working those days.

I will double-check when I talk to them again about when Round 2 will start. But if it continues on the 'Every 2 Weeks' schedule, then it will be:

Appt 1:March 22 (Mom will be back for that)
Appt 2:April 5 (Barbara and Dad?)
Appt 3:April 19 (DeeDee)
FINAL APPT:May 3 (Marshall?)

So, I'm waiting to hear back from the rest of my family for claiming 'Come sit with me while I get pumped full of toxin' sessions before I open it to any and all takers :).


  1. I will try to come up in April if you want!.. Let me know... oh and YEAH CHEMO SHE WILL KICK YOUR ASS!!! so there :P

  2. Let me know if there is a date you need and I can take a look at my schedule and take a day off if you need me too.

  3. hi sweetie, what is the day i'm hanging at home w you & anya? Feb 3?

  4. I will add that in! Feb 4th please (as long as neither you nor Anya are sick :( )
