Saturday, January 9, 2010

Contentment is a warm, purring cat on your lap.

It really is. I love it when Maggie curls up on my lap and goes to sleep, purring.

That said, I would like to write today's rant.

When I ask about what to do during chemo and mention that Benadryl has an adverse reaction and does not help me sleep, please DO NOT tell me that the 'drugs that they give you with the chemo make you sleepy and to just sleep during it'. Ahem. Said drugs are Benadryl. Benadryl makes me hyper. That is not conducive to sleep. Seriously. Nor do I plan on sleeping since I have so much other stuff to do!

On a good note, I got some fantastic, HOT PINK cotton yarn today. I bought it to make a lovely, soft hat. However, I find that I'm actually kind of depressed that I'll be making hats to wear because of the chemo. They're going to be fabulous hats and may get worn with the wig...or not. I don't know. But sometimes I'm ok with it...but today it kind of depressed me.

I have the contact information for a few people to email. I'm finding that there's a big difference in reactions between pre-menopausal woman and's kind of interesting. You would think more people would do a study or include that information when they write about 'what to expect'.

On a completely unrelated note, I am rather amused that The Rock is doing a movie where he becomes a Tooth Fairy.

1 comment:

  1. I would totally feel the same way as you. Maybe is there a group for premenopausal women? Stick with them if you want. I dunno. I will be interested in seeing the hats. Love you!
