Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Didn't write last night...

...because I came home and went to bed!

I'm still pretty tired, but we have our final dress rehearsal tonight so hopefully I can muster up the energy! I may be marking some as I have a headache from this stupid snowstorm coming in. I am getting a massage today, so I hope that will help (and I will also need to be drinking lots of water to flush all the toxins out!)

Some fun news -- I can curl my wig! With a curling iron! I was really tickled about that last night -- it really looked like my hair when I did that!

I emailed someone about the cat but haven't heard back yet. I know that there are a few at the MSPCA who also looked promising, but I don't know that I can just go into a cat room and sit there with all these cats coming up to me. I'd want to take them all home! Jack was my shadow when I got home -- I really hope that his new presents show up in the mail soon. I'll probably buy him a new catnip toy at the school's Valentine's Day flower sale on Friday before I go pick up my mom.

I'm also thinking about having some caffeinated tea...I don't usually do that, but I do want to have energy for tonight. Maybe I'll have some later in the day.

I'm also hoping that the roads stay clear for this evening -- I may leave work a little early so I can get down to the theatre and hopefully by the time we get out, the snow will have stopped and the roads will be fine. One can hope, right?


  1. So far I'm unimpressed with the snow I've seen. Let's hope it stays this unimpressive. Though if you're going south/southwest, which it sounds like you are, it might be worse. :(

    Hopefully I can see the opera this weekend. Have a kickass opening night!

  2. Here in Arlington it's pretty tame - slightly slushy.
    Glad to hear that you can curl with a curling iron - so much easier! (One of my friends gets to steam-curl the wigs where she works - not fun!)
    As for energy (re: caffeinated tea) - try the apples! (It's helped me stick to 1 cup of coffee a day - down from 5!)
