The dreams tend to start out as dreams. Different events, different feel...but at one point in each of the dreams, I look into a mirror and realize 'Hey! My hair is long enough to style! It's long enough to pull back away from my face! It's long enough to pull up half and stick a barrette in it! It's long enough to pull into a ponytail!' It's a sudden and wonderfully joyful feeling when I go looking (still in my dream) for any barrette that might have survived my cats' boredom.
Then, I wake up and look in the mirror...and it's still short.
Do I like it short? Eh. I can't decide if I think it looks good or if it makes my face look too round. I know I don't like not being able to do anything with it. I just bought some 'surf wax' (for the hair) to help give it texture and bring out the curls, but it's not the same as having it really style-able.
It's also at the point where I am not seeing the growth. Last time, it was sort of an overnight thing. I went from feeling like I had nothing but peach-fuzz:

To feeling a little stylish:

To feeling hasn't grown much since the top picture (which was taken over Thanksgiving). It's longer, a little curlier, but it doesn't feel like it has. Granted, I felt like I woke up one day and it went from the peach fuzz to the longer hair.
Maybe it'll really be like in my dream and one day I'll wake up and it'll suddenly be long enough to pull back.
I liked your hair before, but I think this short style really suits you!!! You look fantastic and it definitely doesn't make your face look too round!