I debuted my new super-short 'do that night and it seemed to go over well. The next day though, I got greeted by, 'Hi there, Butch!' at a rehearsal (from someone who didn't know) but knowing the guy I knew he had a strange sense of humor and I just brushed it aside. After all, I was wearing very girly clothes and knew that I was nowhere near being 'butch'. I did have more people (mostly women) coming up to me saying that they thought it was fantastic. I got asked 'why the change?' and didn't feel like lying, so I told them what had gone on in the previous months. They were all amazingly supportive.
The next night, at the concert, I had more questions of 'Why did you cut off your luscious, curly hair??' from fellow singers and I told them why. They then insisted that the hair looked great -- in fact, the same guy who called me 'Butch' said that it was 'really very sexy'. So I'm both Butch AND Sexy! I had a few other singers saying 'I heard indirectly about what you were going through' (from whom???) and 'I'm so glad you're doing well...you look/sound great' which was odd, but I guess that news will spread no matter what we do. I just didn't want to make a Facebook announcement or anything like that.
On Wednesday at the knitting group, one of the 'regulars' brought a friend who seemed very nice and friendly. Another regular, as I was leaving, commented on my hair, saying that she 'loved it' and the newcomer said 'I do too! It's so edgy! I want to cut my hair that short...is your work ok with it?' and I simply said 'They have no choice,' and told her why it was so short. We then got into a brief discussion about how and why our hair texture can change and I said mine is too short to tell, but I'm really hoping for more curls.
I haven't had any auditions yet, but I found it rather interesting that all of the auditions I did with my wig did not result in a casting. Coincidence? Possibly. A few of those were longshots, but still. Very interesting.
Edited to add pictures!!!

It looks like I missed one heck of a party! The pictures do a great job of capturing a very large, varied, and HAPPY group! I wish I could have been part of that much fun and good cheer!