Friday, June 4, 2010

6 months from Diagnosis...

Today was 6 months from my diagnosis and I sang a freaking WAGNER concert tonight!!! I have to admit, I'm very pleased. I saw Sarah today (it was her last day of Radiation...go Sarah!!) and she had hair! So, in a month from now, if she is any indication, I'll have hair too!

I got an echocardiogram today to check on how my heart was doing on Herceptin. The technician said it looked good and like last time (which also got a thumbs-up) let's hope it stays that way!

I'm also thinking about getting one of theseshirts.


  1. LOVE the tshirts! I think you should order a bunch and give them out as bday or christmas gifts!

  2. LOL! I wish I could, but these are 'spensive, Lucy :).
