Monday, May 3, 2010

And Chemo is done!!!

Today was the last treatment! My dad flew in last night and will be staying until Wednesday evening. He was very good today -- I knitted and chatted, he read and called clients on his phone. It was the shortest treatment of this second round and I start the Herceptin only on 5/17. Radiation starts 5/24.

I talked to the nurse (who loved her card and her hat) about the potential 'issue' and that the oncologist never got back to me and she was rather appalled. I also talked to the social worker about it and she said 'That's really unlike her' but she sounded like she might be saying something about it to the oncologist. She also gave me her post-chemo talk which was basically 'You will probably feel a let down after all of this since it's a routine that you've gotten used to and you won't feel that you're being doted on.' I then asked, ' it sort of like a post-show letdown?' and she said 'Yes, it's probably very similar to that.' It makes me think I'll be able to handle it. The oncologist FINALLY came by about 20 minutes before I was done and finally answered my questions! She said to watch the side-effect and if it wasn't gone by June, then I would need to get it checked out. She also said I should have a full head of hair in about 3 months and that my body will be expecting a chemo treatment in two weeks and it may take a few more weeks for it to realize that it can heal and not have another treatment to bring it down.

I don't have to take the Nulasta this time, thank goodness, as that mixed with the taxol made the aches pretty horrible. My numbers were all up, so yay?

I thought that I might be so relieved that I would cry once it was done, but now I think I feel relieved and ready to get back to my life. Maybe I'll cry later, but right now, I want to just get it behind me. I'm glad my dad is here with me though.


  1. I want to cry.. and I just might.. I am just so happy and so happy that this part is behind you! I am glad dad was there too. You rock and I am so proud to be running for you this Saturday. I run for you!!!!! Love- Me

  2. I am thrilled for you!!! Talk to you soon.
