Thursday, April 1, 2010

Continued progress...

Jack is back to eating his food, especially since I put him back on Wellness. I'll just keep him on the Science Diet dry which he seems to like well enough (so much so that the other night he went to Chachi's food bowl and ate some of his!). Last night he was out quite a bit, following and growling at Chachi...I'm really hoping that I can have them out all day together on Saturday. I don't know about at night yet, but we'll see what happens. I don't quite know what Chachi will do once he sees where I sleep...and I don't know what Jack will do once Chachi hops up on the bed.

I did practice some again last night...the voice is still weird, but I can't tell if it's still residual from the cold (which was so long ago!) or allergies, or something else entirely. I took some Theraflu last night and I think that helped. Part of the thing also could have been that I'm working on new music (Wagner) and it's not in my voice yet and sitting in the passagio. I did sing through the end section of 'Sempre Libera' and that actually felt pretty good, so I guess things aren't so bad. The resonance also may be off because of the congestion.

So, once again, I am surprised at the kindness of people. We're having wig fittings for the show next week and I emailed the wig lady and asked if I could come earlier or something because I felt uncomfortable showing my bald head to the cast and she said 'Sure! I'll come at 6pm just for you!'. It's such a little thing, but it just really touched me that she was willing to do that. I've seen my bald head...I don't like it. I try not to look at it, but I have seen it. I don't like it...I don't like that I have almost no eyelashes...and I don't like that my eyebrows are so thin. I know it will all grow back and I am just counting the days until May 3rd when it can start doing just that! I know it may take a few months and I may be wearing the wig into the summer, but there won't be anything stopping it then.

Also, my appetite seems to be coming back a little. I still don't eat very much, but I actually am feeling hunger now. Not often, but it's there. Not that I minded losing the weight, but I do mind that my clothes are all saggy.

I also need to remember to wash my wig more often. I think I need to do it more than the 'every 14 wearings' or so that was mentioned. It's long can get kind of scraggly.

I guess that's it for now...I have rehearsal tonight and since there are road closings in that area, I'm going to leave right from work. Granted, the traffic will probably suck, but oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Just sending lots of love. I have been thinking of you, but I have been straight out busy and unable to call. Please, call me if you need me to help with anything.
